Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Day 5 of 8. Volunteers and Videos

One thing Josh and I have been absolutely blown away with recently is how much people are willing to give time to helping us.  There are so many dear people who have helped organize, sell, clean, move, paint, tear up tile, babysit, and so many other jobs during the past few months.  It has been absolutely incredible.  I can't tell you how many times I would fall asleep at night just completely amazed at how late someone was willing to stay at the house painting, or how many days someone was willing to help at our garage sale, or the other countless sacrifices I have seen people make. Thank you just isn't enough.  These people have been an absolute answer to my late night prayers, the prayers that say, "I know you have called us Lord, but I just don't see how everything is going to happen.  We cannot do this on our own."  The Lord heard those prayers, and he answered them with you all.  And we are so very very thankful.

One big shout out goes to Tom, who used some amazing talent to make a 5 minute family video for us.  He came over Saturday with Dan and Sarah, did some interviews, and had this video link emailed to us Tuesday evening.  I don't know much about video editing, but I know just enough to know he spent hours on this, and we are so so thankful! 

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