Thursday, June 30, 2016

Day 6 of 8. Missions and Math

TBT Homeschool Style
We have been absolutely blown away by your support this week during this fund drive!!!  The responses we have gotten from all of you from our blogs and posts, the re-sharing and supporting that has happened, the prayer and financial partnering....we have been so so blessed by everyone.  Thank you so very very much!!

I wanted to give you a quick update in to the success of this campaign so far.  Our goal was to raise half of what we need for a full year in missions, so our goal is $9,000.00.  People can give both one time and monthly.  Our one time donations have come to $919.46, which is amazing!  I cannot wait to blog from missions so we can give you a good understanding of how far American money will go in other countries!  Our monthly donations have absolutely blown me away this week.  We have 8 families who combined have committed to give $430.00 monthly to our mission.  Over a span of the next 12 months that totals $5,160.00 to sustain us!  That takes us to $6079.46 toward our goal!  

The Gospel reading for today is Matthew 9:1-8 where Jesus first forgave the sins of the paralytic, then healed him.  The Lord reminded me this morning that ALL the works He does, all the ways He acts in our lives are to be reminders of the depths of His love.  The Lord has worked through all of you in your support this week.  Through you, He has shown us His love, His promise, His providence, and His faithfulness.  Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts!

Most importantly.   You are NOT just giving to us.  You are giving to those that God is calling us to serve.   You are our arms that allow us to reach out as Christ's hands to others.   This isn't just the Gehl's mission, this is OUR mission and you are a part of it.  You are joining with us as part of Christ's Body, a Body that depends on its various members to complete its task and to give life.   You are giving life to us and the people that God chosen for us (yourself included) to serve.   Our prayer is that you too receive life and God's blessing through this journey too.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Day 5 of 8. Volunteers and Videos

One thing Josh and I have been absolutely blown away with recently is how much people are willing to give time to helping us.  There are so many dear people who have helped organize, sell, clean, move, paint, tear up tile, babysit, and so many other jobs during the past few months.  It has been absolutely incredible.  I can't tell you how many times I would fall asleep at night just completely amazed at how late someone was willing to stay at the house painting, or how many days someone was willing to help at our garage sale, or the other countless sacrifices I have seen people make. Thank you just isn't enough.  These people have been an absolute answer to my late night prayers, the prayers that say, "I know you have called us Lord, but I just don't see how everything is going to happen.  We cannot do this on our own."  The Lord heard those prayers, and he answered them with you all.  And we are so very very thankful.

One big shout out goes to Tom, who used some amazing talent to make a 5 minute family video for us.  He came over Saturday with Dan and Sarah, did some interviews, and had this video link emailed to us Tuesday evening.  I don't know much about video editing, but I know just enough to know he spent hours on this, and we are so so thankful! 

Monday, June 27, 2016

Day 4 of 8. Voice of Truth... You are Loved!

We all have bad days and moments of weakness.   It was my turn this morning.   I just woke up stressed, which I have to admit makes sense.   In fact, if I didn't feel some stress these days, I'm pretty sure that would be grounds for declaring me a sociopath.   I was feeling overwhelmed by all the things that have to get done as I drove into work.   And the doubts were sneaking in.   What if I'm not cut out for this?   What if I'm not good enough?   Strong enough?   Oh and where are some of my struggles?   I struggle with perfectionism.   I fear failure.  I hate being in new situations and having to do new things, because... well... I could end up looking foolish.   Others might be disappointed.  And I might just not do it perfectly.   Yeah, and we are going to be missionaries.   Ironic, I know.

It is a cross that I have known for years and for the most part I can identify it and move past it when it comes.   I can turn to Him who strengthens me.  But every now and then it likes to sneak back into my life.   That is what happened this morning.   As I began to pray and share it with God in the car, a favorite song came on the radio.   I'll let it speak for itself.  Click below.

We all have those areas of our lives where that lying voice tries to pull us down, to mock us.   It tries to tell us we aren't lovable.   We can't be used by God.   You will fail.   You aren't good enough, smart enough, and gosh darn it all... people don't like you.   This voice tries to make us forget and doubt who we really are, that we are loved by our God, and that we are His sons and daughters.   We are sons and daughters of the King.

As we go out into missions, we are called to be that voice of truth, to share with others who they truly are.   But we aren't called to do this from a place of superiority, as ones who already have it totally together.   We are wounded healers, people who still struggle from time to time, and sometimes more frequently.   This is something we are all called to do!   It is in our weakness that He is strong.   It is in our darkness that He brings light.   It is in the areas that we believe are unlovable that we see just how far His love is going to go.

Where are the areas of your life that the lying voice like to lay?   Where does it have a hold?   And let Christ in.   Let the voice of truth shine forth and know how deeply you are loved.   And share that love with others, from this place of weakness.   This is what it means to be missionary.   I can say with total confidence that you are called to receive that love and share that love with others.   It may not be in a third world country, but that love is for you and others in your everyday life need to know it too.

Please continue to pray for us and know that we are praying for you!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Day 3 of 8. The Faces of Mission

This past February, Josh spent 10 days on mission in Nicaragua with one other teacher and 10 students.  As he prepared for 10 days of 80-90 degree weather, leading his students on mission, I prepared for a long snowy week with the 5 kids.  I was excited that he was going, and spent so much time praying with and for him before he left.  It was tough, but not in the way I expected.  I assumed the toughest part would be being snowed in with the kids (Living here in upstate NY we can always make certain assumptions about the weather in February). Thankfully, I had armed myself with a copious amount of mac and cheese and some fresh cans of paint, so the snow wasn’t the problem.  We actually had a blast that week!   

The tough part was missing Josh.  I missed him; the kids missed him.  My heart really longed to be with him, in Nicaragua, sharing the mission with him.  I wanted to see what he saw, work where he worked, and love those that he loved.   I knew, with all my heart, that it was the Lord’s will that Josh lead that trip to Nicaragua.  I knew, by extension, that it was the Lord’s will that I was home with the kids, praying Josh through the trip.  And there was so much grace in just knowing that I was exactly where the Lord wanted me: home, loving and caring for the kids, entertaining myself with a little remodeling project, and then some wonderful time with my in-laws, once getting out of the house became imperative. 

Once Josh came home, and Josh started showing me pictures, I got the opportunity to see why it all mattered.  I got to see a ton of pictures, but one that stands out in my mind was a picture of a little girl named Naomi.  The picture of Naomi impacted me so much.  In the past there had always been a disconnect in my mind between going on mission and sending someone else on mission.  I never realized how much just a picture could bridge that gap, how putting a face to the actual people Josh served could make the sacrifices we made from hundreds of miles away seemed so sweet once we could see that face.

That experience solidified in my heart the desire to blog while we are on missions, and that we do everything we can to put a face and a name to those we are called to serve for you all.  I want everyone who supports us both spiritually and materially to be able to see the fruit of the sacrifices made.  We want to be able to share this with you, because you are a part of this journey!  We want you to be able to know the JOY that comes from being a part of missions!

We need prayer support, but we are also humbly asking for your financial support. You can donate either as a one-time donation or sign up to do a monthly donation.  A simple $10.00 a month makes a big difference over the span of a year!!  Please don’t think any donation is too small.  When you donate to our mission fund through Family Missions Company, 90% of what you donate goes directly to our family mission fund, 5% goes to a general emergency fund for all FMC missionaries, and 5% goes to FMC operating costs.  We can sell everything, but we cannot actually go without your support.  We commit to share with you the actual faces and stories of your brothers and sisters in Christ that you will give us the opportunity to serve.

Partner with us here.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Day 2 of 8. Letting Go... Frozen Style

Today the sign goes up in front of our house.   We love our realtor, Anne Smith.  We worked with her before and she is awesome.   Nevertheless it is hard to let go, to let go of the control, to rely on others, to trust in God.   As humans, we like to do things on our own and we champion independence.   Sometimes when we don't have direct control over a situation, we still have enough knowledge and understanding of the circumstances and the process to feels like we have control.

There are times in our lives, when God invites us to let go.   It is not that He desires for us to spiral out of control and fall on our faces, but to know how much that we can trust in Him, so our relationship with the Divine Creator can grow deeper.   The Maker of the entire universe, doesn't just hold all of creation in the palm of His hand like a small dot, but He holds you in an intimate embrace.

This lesson of trust is one the Lord has taught us over and over again.  When our eight year old, Aron, was baptized at the Easter Vigil, he was just two weeks old.   As Maria held Aron out in front of her over the water, in a cradle-like fashion, she had a strong sense of offering and entrusting him into God's care.   God seemed to speak to her heart saying, "Don't worry, I have him.  He is mine."   Little did we know that two weeks later, at one month old, Aron would be hospitalized for a week, spending the first 24 hours in ICU.   The first night Maria spent the night in the hospital, wanting nothing more than to hold Aron.   Of course with all the wires and tubes, she could not hold him close, and the most she could do was hold him in the same cradle position she held him during his baptism.   Again that voice of God spoke to her heart, "Don't worry, I have him.  He is mine."  This lesson of waiting, trusting, and keeping our eyes on the Lord has carried us through so many ups and downs through the years.

In Luke 1, the Angel Gabriel appears to Mary to announce and to invite her to share is God's plan of salvation.   Mary has questions.   Who wouldn't?  "How can this be, since I have no relations with a man?"   And the Angel Gabriel comforts her, not with a detailed plan, instructions, or understanding of the circumstances and situation, but with an invitation to let go and trust.   To simply know that this is of the Holy Spirit and that nothing is impossible for God.   Mary then takes that step out in faith, letting go of control and trusting in the loving Divine Father who delights in His children, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.”   This is not the response of a passive woman, but an active loving leap that is generously trusting in God.

Where is God inviting you to surrender?  Where does the Divine Father want to show the extent of His love in your life?   If you have something specific, we want to pray for your intentions.  Feel free to share with us in the comments below or on sidebar to the left under "prayer requests."   (This sidebar may not be visible on a smartphone but should be on a computer or if you click "view web version.")

And please pray for us, for the quick sale of the house, and that we continue to surrender and to trust in God.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Day 1 of 8. Interview between Aron and Josh on Missionary Work

Please enjoy our first vlog (AKA video blog).   In this vlog Aron and Josh talk about being called to be missionaries, what do missionaries do, and three ways that people can partner with us in our journey.   This video also starts our week long campaign to get the word out and to have people partner with us.   Over the next week we will be sharing and posting videos, blogs, and other information.  We rely on the support of others to be able to the Lord's work.  

    Here is the link to become financial partners with us.
    We also created a YouTube channel to post future vlogs.   So click here and subscribe. 
    And finally, don't forget to like us on Facebook.

    Tuesday, June 14, 2016

    We need arms... by Josh

    Life gets busy.   The school year is over.   The boys finished their last day of tutoring.  Grades are in.   The classroom is cleaned out.   The house is almost ready to be put on the market.  The kitchen is done.  Touch up painting is done.  New carpet is ordered.  The storage shed has been delivered.

    We have had so many people come out and support us in so many ways, running garage sales, painting parties, prayers, and so much more.   Thank you!  It is too easy to believe the lies that what we do is not significant and does not matter in light of the big picture.  Please know that this is not true!

    As Maria said in our last post, we all have a part to play and we are all called to be missionaries.   Our vocation is simultaneously universal and unique.  How we are called, and how this vocation is practically lived out differs for each of us.  As members of the Body of Christ, we all have unique roles and functions that bring life to the other parts of the body.  God has blessed us with each others unique gifts and talents.   We therefore each have a particular part to play in building up Christ’s Body and giving life to the other members.

    Each part of the Body is essential.   One is not of greater value than another.   In 1 Samuel 30:22-25, David had just succeeded in leading his arm into victory over the Amalekites.   Some of his soldiers that were on the front lines felt as if they deserved a greater share of the plunder over those that were working the supply lines.   David however recognized that without the help of those working behind the scenes, they would never have won.   “The share of the one who goes down to battle shall be the same as that of the one who remains with the baggage- they share alike.”

    We need arms.   As we continue to move forward, we are coming to realize more and more how much we need to rely on others.   If we are called to Christ’s hands, reaching out the poor, we can only do so with arms.   The strength of the hands comes from the arms.   The muscles that go all the way to our fingertips start all the way back in the forearms.  Any power that the hands have comes from this base.   The arms also enable the hands to reach out.   The distance of how far the hands can reach depends upon the arms.   Finally, the arms keep the hands grounded and rooted to the body.   Just as the branch dies when it is severed from the vine, so too does the hand that is separated from the body.

    Would you consider joining us and being our arms?  First we need prayers.   It seems too simple and cliché, but it is so true.   Your spiritual support gives us courage and strength.   Second we need financial support.   The contributions from people like you, covers our training, travel, room and board.   It allows for us to reach out and provide for the physical, material, medical and spiritual needs of our brothers and sisters throughout the world.   You can contribute at any time at this link here.   Starting on the Nativity of John the Baptist (June 24) and ending on the Feast of Peter and Paul (June 29) we will be holding a fundraiser event on Facebook.   Please consider partnering with us, and know that without you, our mission is not possible.   As Mother Teresa once said, “Some people give by going, and others go by giving.”